Project herd inventory 15 months into future
The herd inventory report projection end can be configured by the user to whatever the user desires (or just set to a hard limit of 15 months).
Ability to edit just the Sire for Breeding events on the Phone
Having the ability to edit the sire field from the edit recent menu may potentially save time when editing events on the spot, instead of having to delete and then re enter the event which is slower. Requested by Brandon Beavers
Add Corynebacterium Spp. to the results of milk culture microorganism
According to this article: Corynebacterium spp accounts for 3% of microorganisms that cause clinical mastitis in Brazil, so we need to help them by providing a way for tem to record it
Missing Sire on CTS pages
Is there any way we can add the sire to the CTS Birth Registration form so that we can see if the sire is missing BEFORE we apply for the passport please.
Breeding of pregnancy (current, previous lactation, nth lactation, etc.)
I have several times found myself looking for information related to the breeding of pregnancy. Examples: Sire - breed Genetic dam Times bred- at breeding Type of breeding - AI, Embryo, Natural Service DIM- at breeding DSLH- at breeding Etc. It seems
Breeding plan at breeding compliance
My breeder uses the breed plan item in BoviSync for deciding what to do with an animal. I would like the ability to monitor compliance to the breed plan in a BoviSync report but only the most recent plan is shown with heat and bred events. Could the breed
Pre Naval Infection (Medical Diagnosis)
Would like an option for Medical Diagnosis > Pre Naval Infection
Ability to sort all date formats (Bovi-Insights Modern)
Currently we can only sort correctly the date format yyyy-mm-dd. We would like to be able to sort (ascending or descending) all other date formats (like dd-mm-yyyy for example).
Support At-Date for DRYDT item
A user has requested the drydt in the lactation of the event to determine the days from dryoff that the event occurs. Providing at-date support for this item will open up the ability to calculate relative days.
Visual Identifiers for Report Types
Dear BoviSync Team and Community, While working with BoviSync, I've noticed that it can be challenging to quickly identify which type of report (Animal, Event, or Chore) is being viewed. This can be especially confusing for new users. I propose adding
Repro Check - Blocked Event Info
Customer Submitted Request. See more info Ticket #73205 Include all service info from prior event. For example: Embryo ID, Extra1, Extra2, Extra3, Source, Stage, EvNote, etc fields in the repro check chore's note
Ability to clear Feed bunk scores that were entered
Currently it is not possible to delete feed bunk scores. If an error is made there isn't a way to correct it.
Creation of a new cause at the "Abortion" event
We need you to create a cause for abortion event as a mummified calf, please thanks
new event type
Hi, new event type to creat "donation". In Brazil, some dairy farms usually donate male calves
Show calf details within "Edit Recent" when entering Freshen events on mobile
Would be nice to see the calf details when inside the Edit Recent screen of a Freshen Event when working on Mobile.
Option to scale report to fit for printing
If a report has more than 14 columns, when exporting into PDF the remaining columns will be cut out of the report and not display when printed. Having an option to scale the report down (or up if the user wants a smaller report to print in larger letter
Mastitic Quarter
I would like to have the ability to enter the quarter under Clinical Mastitis medical diagnosis. Similar to what is available on the Milk Culture event entry.
More "Other" Fields
The dairy is running out of spaces for custom data entry. Would like to have "Other" fields go up from 6-10 currently we are maxed out using Other 1-5 Reported by Matt
Imports for BLV
For Johnes we can import a CSV with an animal ID, result, and numerical value of the test. This should be replicated to support other diagnostic tests like BLV.
Registration ID for Morocco (MAR REGID)
Morocco has a different/unique registration number with 16 characters. This number also has letters in the middle of the ID, which are not compatible with the standard BoviSync REGID item (Max 15 characters and no letters in the middle of ID allowed,
Support Rumination Data from AFI
It would be great to have the rumination data sync into BoviSync from our AFI program
Show note on a move event on cow page
When I enter a move event, sometimes I add a reason in the note field. I would like this note to display on the cow page under the "recent events". It shows up on the app, but not on the desktop. It would be very helpful for me to show up on the desktop
Add the weight tab for adult animals in Cow Page
The weight tab is only available on the cow page for animals with lact=0 (picture below). Some farmers would find value in keeping track of the weight even for adult animals (weights are entered but can only be seen through reports an not directly on
Increase the size of the herd settings' fields
The fields to input the settings on the herd settings are too small and only display 2 digits. If you accidentally enter 3 digits it will only display the first 2 digits giving the impression that everything is correct when it is not. It would become
Change note when selecting previous breeding at Preg Check
During preg checks, if the user selects a previous breeding the note shows the shorter breeding. This has caused confusion for some people. Would it be possible if a previous breeding is linked to update the note to be able to see this quickly?
Milking Summary Report
Ability to export Milking Summary Report to CSV and PDF formats. Also ability to setup as an auto download
New report item "vaccine note in last 12 months"
After importing a herd many of the vaccination events do not have a linked vaccine. The only reference to the vaccine administered is the event note. To setup protocols using these events as filters we would need the note of the vaccination, since the
Ability to create a chore list that can only be completed by scanning the cows.
This would likely drive compliance up and help fix another small details like finding mixed cows or detecting cows with missing ear tags.
Average Flow Item
Measuring the average flow for cows at the milking parlor can be beneficial for several reasons: Animal Health and Welfare: Detection of Health Issues: Variations in the flow rate can indicate health problems such as mastitis or other udder infections.
PTBRD is Broken
PTBRD is supposed to display the number of breeding events that took place during the previous lactation but right now the item doesn't fully work, this is very important since right now there is an ongoing effort to identify animals that get bred faster,
Allow to enroll in multiple treatment protocols from medical diagnosis
It would be nice if when recording a medical diagnosis it was possible to enroll in more than one treatment protocol if necessary. I am picturing this being similar to being able to add secondary and tertiary reasons to culling events.
Barn of event
BarnNm doesn't support the pen at Event. Dairies that want to summarize the barn at event would benefit from being able to use BarnNm at event that would reflect the EvPen not the Barn they are located in at the report date. In the example below, Pen
Hello, Add these clinical diagnoses please Dermatite interdigital Disenteria Deslocamento de abomaso Intoxicação Filariose Fístula Gangrena gasosa Hérnia umbilibal Hemorragia pós parto Hipoglicemia Inchaço Indução de lactação Infecção na orelha Infecção
Select multiple hooves when entering lesions
I have had a lot of requests to be able to select multiple hooves when entering lesions. It seems burdensome to them to add an additional event.
Sound to Add
Temp BHBA No Treat Sample
Conductivity Deviation
We would like to be able to include an option that would flag deviations in our conductivity. This would be similar to a milk deviation report to flag cows for herdspeople to check. With the advent of the HPAI virus and conductivity being one of first
Add Salmonella Dublin to Highly Infectious Disease
Can we add Salmonella Dublin as a highly infectious disease? We have several farms testing for this and it would be nice to have a standard way to record it.
DHI Comp Number should replace on all animals regardless of cull status
Right now if an animal has a DHI Comp number and is culled in the herd, I cannot re-use that specific comp number on a new animal. The system creates a message saying that the number is already in use on a different animal. To correct this you must go
Create a ScanPen Item For better record Keeping
A scanpen item would provide further insights into scanning operations by providing meaningful context when evaluating scans for inventory purposes. When an animal is scanned, reports can provide the scan date and time as well as the technician. Users
Ability to switch users without removing herd from device
When farms have part time employees, relief workers, etc, it would save time to have an options to switch users without deleting the herd data off. Right now it takes a long time to complete the first refresh. We are looking for an option that would leave
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