Count of animals on mass entry
When mass entering events on the PC, we need to have a count of number of IDs entered. Right now customers are trying to count all the IDs to make sure they have the correct amount. Attached is a screenshot showing the idea.
New Sold Cull primary reason
Request from Brianna: Can you please add these reasons for cull animals sold "non-compliance for Robot" and "Not Robot udder"
ECM On Testday tab
Can we add ECM next to FCM on the Testday tab on the cowcard?
Add Performance Reports to Search Reports options
Add a way to just filter out the Performance Reports in the Bovi Insights Search area (see screenshot). It would also be helpful to have a section in the report maps.
DNB reasons to add
Add DNB for old age. We have many cows that are milking perfectly fine into 8,9,10 lactations but we see that they won't necessarily survive another lactation, so we'd like to DNB them for old age.
bulls in seme tank and mating plans
when we upload a mating plan, the bulls choosen for a specific cow will appear on the cow card, however, when we breed that cow we can choose from all the bulls available in the inventory. Why the system doesn't limit the choice only to the bulls foreseen
Previous Lactations Times Bred PTBRD1, PTBRD2, PTBRD3 etc.
This Items can potentially help Identify animals that get bred faster, allowing for selective breeding and profiling animals that can save money in the future since this can reduce the amount of services needed, benefits can be: 1.- Increased Milk and
Display Transfer Farm Field while entering Sold/Cull>Sold to Finisher/Dairy events on the mobile App.
The feature request is to expose that field: All the time and when not applicable it clears the value. (on save, in the backend to prevent UI hickups) This is a nice to have, but not required. Make it is conditionally hidden field based on the same logic
New Item For Milk after Medical Diagnosis
Milk production increase or decrease after medical diagnosis event in percent so if a cow gets mastitis what % change in milk did she 7 days after diagnosis.
Having a Better way to enter cull prices.
Perhaps from a batch entry for sold animals.
Ability to create aditional shortcuts on the Home screen of the App.
Faster Navigation into frequently used Chore lists.
Ability to modify the Items on the General Tab of the cow cards.
Will create a more personalized experience for the users.
Add a Test day Pen to the Test Day Tab on the cow cards.
Add a Test day Pen to the Test Day Tab on the cow cards.
Ability to remove the "Omit Calf Info" Button while freshening on the mobile App
Would help avoiding mistakes while freshening animals.
Change Scroll on queue to be left to right instead of up and down.
Would make it easier to navigate through animals in queue without completing their chores or moving them back to list.
Ability to sign out user without removing herd from device.
Would save time while changing users on phones.
It was pointed out to me by a user that when they set their phone to Spanish, there are still some things that do not translate. Below is an example of prompts for entering fresh animals. I guess this causes some confusion. Is there a way to fix thi
Show last preg sex during preg check entry
When entering a P2 or subsequent preg check if the sex was defined earlier the system should prompt or pre-fil the sex in the preg check event during entry.
Main Page Dashboard
Main Page Dashboard
Dosage and route of administration for vaccines
Can we add a spot to enter dosage and route of administration for vaccinations? I am thinking for FARM reporting, it would give a much more complete report. It could also help staff with compliance.
Show the bulls from the semen inventory as a drop down menu on the field to add sire while creating new animals.
This would be greatly appreciated by people who needs to enter large amount of records manually.
Ability to search collar number/eartag/brand number on the mobile app
Currently we can only search for the eartag when looking up an animal on the mobile app. It would be very nice if we could also search for another form of ID - for example, collar number/eartag/brand number - to bring up a cow on the app..
RI: Number of Luts (this lact) & Number of GNRH (this lact)
Request from Justin P: Would be nice to have these animal report items: Number of Luts (this lact) Number of GNRH (this lact)
Addition to Medical diagnosis
Can we add Udder Rot to the list of medical diagnosis?
Remove Farms Sires
In the semen inventory under farm sires, there should be an option to remove/delete farm sires.
Auto download report configuration is counter intuitive
It is easy to choose the auto-download option for a report either from the new or old within the report manager. However, to configure the download (time, Frequency, location) you have to go to the linked computer tab in the user preferences.These options
Allow Myfarm program to update Milk Summary
I have a parlor that is myfarm and have an interface with BoviSync but it doesn't fill out the milk summary report. I would like the report to work for my parlor.
Graph Pen Count
Can there be a report to graph pen counts over time? Specifically, I'd like to be able to see the changes in the daily pen count for my closeup pen. This could help track stocking density versus when we have metabolic diseases in fresh cows
Add Notification for Timed Chores
This comes from two current users, and a prospective customer milking 4,000 in SD who said it's something we'll have to have for him to get on-board: The initial idea is with regard to colostrum chores, but could be built out to any chore. The idea is
EID pairing, handle the calf deletes
If a calf is entered, then deleted, the next calf with the same eartag doesn't get the EID from the EID pairs.
Data Exchange with Intermittent Computer Connectivity
Data Exchange with Intermittent Computer Connectivity New parlor data import feature request to allow parlor interfaces to run when the parlor computer is back online if the computer was not reachable during the scheduled time. For example: a farm has
Edit chores/events through Bovi-Insights report
A convenience factor would be to have a shortcut to edit a chore or event from a Bovi-insights report. Currently, it's a lot of clicks to get from the report to the event editing page. This feature is available on the legacy reports and would be nice
Event/Chore Report Edit Button
On a Bovi-Insights Chore or Event Report it would be convenient to have the ability to shortcut to the editing page. The way it sits right now it's a lot of clicks, you have to get to the cow page, click event/chore in the banner, click edit on the event/chore
Select multiple limbs/quarters when entering events
When entering a hoof trim event, an injury, or anything else that allows one to designate the quarter/limb, it is not possible to choose more than one quarter/limb. Request to allow for multiple quarter/limb selection when entering an event on the phone.
Add Translation for Goats
Have an option for "English - Goats" that would translate items such as: "DAM" = "DOE" "NANNY" "DCC" = "DCK" "CALF" = "KID" "SIRE" = "BUCK" "BILLY" There are many more items that would require changes, these are just a couple of examples.
Equip the BoviSync App With the Ability to Issue Notifications
This has been suggested to me by a couple of different producers, in one case specific to colostrum chores, and in other cases specific to repro and vaccinations. The concept is to have the app act as a "timer." e.g., when a new calf is entered, the first
Change order in Breeding Sire list
When entering breedings on the phone the Sire history list is in numerical order. When entering, it would be more helpful to have the most recently used on top instead of the lowest NAAB code. This list can get long and angus bulls would be on top and
Eliminate the automated permission invitation for non-existent accounts
As an alternative, send an email telling the person that X farm has attempted to add them but can not because there is no user account associated with this email. The content of the email might also contain: A hyperlink to create an account. LINK TO USER
Limit EID field to 15 digits
Would it be possible to limit the EID field to 15 digits? Or at least throw a warning if more digits were entered? It creates havoc with other systems when the field is too large.
Herd settings option for duplicate Eart
Could we make an option that can be turned on or off in the herd settings allowing for duplicate eartag numbers?
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