Autocomplete for inventory
After selecting an item, we should auto-fill the cost, supplier and location from the previous receipt of this item.
Show length next to sound option
Show length next to sound option
Mobile app support for reports
Mobile app support for reports
Change origin to livebirth, remove purchased event
Change origin to livebirth, remove purchased event
Exclude inactive pens from printing on pens count report
Exclude inactive pens from printing on pens count report
Revert EID to previous after deleting a change EID event
Revert EID to previous after deleting a change EID event
Add breeding pregnant cow warning on web for implants
Add breeding pregnant cow warning on web for implants
Animal Added Message
after adding a pen or bulk tank, the '1 Animal added message appears'. That message should be adapted to the type: Pen/Group, Bulk Tank, Semen Tank, etc
Using event set with prefilled sires creates farm sires causing semen inventory discrepancies
Using event set with prefilled sires creates farm sires causing semen inventory discrepancies
Removing dosage saved to a chore in a protocol prevents saving
When you create a protocol containing treatment chores and fill in a value for treatment you cannot remove the dosage value (null value). If you have a null value for dosage and try to save the protocol you receive an error message. You have to fill in
Copy/Paste into permission email often causes error
Copying/pasting an email address often includes the "mailto:" at the beginning and makes it not a valid email address. The 'mailto:' should get ignored and remove
New Permission notification
when you are added to a farm, you should get some kind of email notification. And so should admins
Duplicate entry on batch entry page, returns invalid rows
Sometimes "When duplicate entry is inputted into the batch entry, the page returns rows with the row shifted and the row number in the first cell.
Warning on VWP changes
Warning on VWP changes
Block farm settings edits when logged into multiple farms
Block farm settings edits when logged into multiple farms
Display "Implant day X" in info column of protocols table
Add the text "Implant" + the day of the implant in the protocol. Example: if an implant is set to be given on day 7 the info column of the protocol would say "Implant day 7". Currently, there is logic which does this for bred events saying "AI day X".
Use keyboard not keypad for cull destination field
Users have requested that the destination field on a sold cull event does not use the keypad, but uses the android keyboard for input. Users will most likely never enter a numeric value in this field so they would like to use the keyboard to enter a farm
Add "type" to the embryo implant update import
Users can import the implant type field when importing the embryo implant update.
Current Milk hold end date (MilkDt) - will not sort
Current Milk hold end date (MilkDt) - will not sort
Option to automatically update dam when uploading a genomic data import
Users would like to be able to have bovisync automatically update the dam of an animal when they upload genomic information with the "Genomic Data" import type.
When animal is created on a device, the scan date isn't recorded at the time of the animal creation
When animal is created on a device, the scan date isn't recorded at the time of the animal creation
Import type to update aspiration events
Import type to update aspiration events
Consultant notes/recommendations
Consultant notes/recommendations
Consultant notes/recommendations
suggested that consultants be able to record notes, recommendations, reports to view for farms. Then all the consultants can see what is going on at the farm, what the goals are, and more collaboratively work together than hearing it through the grape
Can you guys add the EVsirNM$ for the events report? currently you can see an sircNM$, it will be helpful to also have it on the breeding event
Import Events on Dead Animals
We should be able to enter events on animals after they been sold. We have farms that need to entering change breed events to understand what is happening on the farm more in depth.
Add new animal Breed options
Request from Garrett: Would like to see new options for animal breed. These would be helpful for how animals are sold/marketed. Below are suggestions of the animal breeds to be added: Jersey Angus Holstein Angus Dairy-Cross Angus
Show notes on pen moves
When I fill anything in the notes field, under a move event, this note does not appear under the events on an animal page on the desktop. For several other events, the notes do show up on the events page. Please show notes on pen moves as well.
Addition to lame diagnosis
Can we add puncture to the list of lame options?
Option to have animal detail- essentials tab showing on a report
I would like the option to have the animal detail/ essentials showing at the top of a certain report, every time I open that report. Now when I open it, I still need to open the menu on the left, and open the essentials tab. Would be nice to have that
New Mastitis Culturing Process
Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to automatically recieve culture results from my vet clinic? Typing them is a hassle. Thanks, Elmer
Double Sole
Add double sole to list of hoof treatments.
Fresh Entry
Allow for entering freemartin under calf sex. Also add calf status as DOA
treatments due report item (animal style)
Would like to have a report item available in animal style insights reporting for treatments due
Pen Moves, Shipping and Inventory
Need the ability to scan through animals when moving them and record what RFID's are scanned. If your facility has duplicate EART (animal A and Animal B) and a technician incorrectly enters in a number on the phone for a move of farm/sold/cull event the
Customize Manual Enrollment List of Protocols
In the list of protocols that come up for manual enrollment after entering an event or completing a chore, let us change the order of manual enrollments listed. Would want this to sort the most-used protocols to the top.
Herd Setting: Late Open Handling
If an animal is currently pregnant and becomes open late (high dcc) the system will automatically create a new lactation for the animal (fresh event) This should be an option in herd settings to enable or disable this logic. Some users want this to happen
Physical Exam Event
An event item that would allow for entry of physical exam parameters (HR, RR, Rumen Motility, Temp, etc) along with notes of descriptive findings, differential diagnoses and/or diagnosis. This would allow for the recording of this information within the
Custom length rows in Bovi-Insights reports
Custom length rows in Bovi-Insights reports
Able to Import the day Classification Happen
Appraisal for classification date is in the file but bovisync is using the import date to set the classification date in the software. We should use the date from the file and not the date the file was imported
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