Add relative date functionality to Date fields
In the Report Date, Start Date, or End Date field, let me write a natural language relative dates, such as "7 days ago". This is quite critical if y'all actually want us to use Bovi-Insight Modern (BIM). In this example, I entered "7 days ago", but unlike
Increase the size of the herd settings' fields
The fields to input the settings on the herd settings are too small and only display 2 digits. If you accidentally enter 3 digits it will only display the first 2 digits giving the impression that everything is correct when it is not. It would become
Allow to enroll in multiple treatment protocols from medical diagnosis
It would be nice if when recording a medical diagnosis it was possible to enroll in more than one treatment protocol if necessary. I am picturing this being similar to being able to add secondary and tertiary reasons to culling events.
Conductivity Deviation
We would like to be able to include an option that would flag deviations in our conductivity. This would be similar to a milk deviation report to flag cows for herdspeople to check. With the advent of the HPAI virus and conductivity being one of first
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