Fresh event description in app
The fresh event description in the app should be Calf sex or abort, and then any notes. This will make it more clear what kind of a fresh cow she is.
Filtered Events on chore list animal pages
On animal pages in the app. a feature to show this lactation's Health or Repro records would be a useful feature. Health may be all medical, fresh, culture, recent treatments, etc. Repro would be bred, implants, abort, preg and repro check, DNB, fresh.
No EID audio and keyboard are heard twice when scanning animals for inventory in a chore list with no Chores
Scanning animals in a chore list (which contains no chore types) that when an animals EID is not recognized in the app you hear the audio "No EID" several times and then the buzz sound because there are no chores for these animals.
Confirm EID assignment sound in mobile app
This would indicate that the EID they scanned was now associated with the eartag they just typed in on the phone. Currently, there is no sound - not even the "zap" sound is played after the replace EID event occurs.
Add newly created chores to active list, without "Restart List"
When a new chore is created in the "event entry" portion of the app, we should look at the currently active chore list and add the new chore if it belongs.
Add dose to treatment event description in app
Add dose to treatment event description in app
Breeding entry on preg animals in app
There is no warning system in place for breeding a preg cow in the app. My initial thoughts here are do whatever is easiest to start with and then modify if needed as customers demand: 1) To start with, just block entry of preg cows. Allow the heat breeding
Settings download confirmation
When you download settings, there is no message for completion so you don't know if the internet was on and working, and that the settings actually downloaded.
Replace Big Glove for herd check with ____________
I would like to replace that with a list of the 3 or 4 most recent "Chore Lists" or "Event Sets" used. Other ideas?
Event Sets have title from the last Chorelist
Event Sets have title from the last Chorelist
Notify of scanning dead/sold cows
If an animal that is recorded as sold/dead/inactive is scanned by EID, a warning message would be useful to notify the user that the animal is errantly sold.
Renaming Chore List then creating named similar to previous name causes error
when you renames a Chore List, then attempts to create another chore list based on the first's name, it won't allow her to
Push or in-App notification of KPI exceptions
When farms are allowed to setup automated warning and have farm KPIs set, providing push notifications to managers in the app of the warning would be a useful tool. One example could be: stocking rate of fresh pen can not exceed 120 animals, if the pen
Do not clear chore queue of chore list when user switches pens
Do not clear chore queue of chore list when user switches pens
Display option to enter DCC when completing preg check chore
Display option to enter DCC when completing preg check chore
Better UI for cancelling/skipping certain chores in a chore list
We need a more intuitive way to cancel individual chores, either at the start of the chore, or partially through an individual chore. Currently, the user experience is confusing when skipping/cancelling chores.
Option to display all items on animal details pages regardless of being null or zero
User want to be able to see all of the animal items they have selected on the basic and detail pages when viewed regardless if they are the values are null or zero. Currently it appears that in the chore list if there are null/zero values for animal items,
Entering event in a chore list or completing chore from tapping animal ID creates a keyDTM and Sceen
The user selects an animal from the list by tapping on her ID (not by manually typing in the eartag or scanning the animal) to bring her into the queue. From there the user enters an event in the linked event set. Upon completing the event entry the field
Tap on chore within animal details of chore list to display chore details
I noticed that when on an individual animals detail page within a chore list, that you cannot tap on the chores shown to bring up additional details on them. You can do this if you navigate the the full animal page. This request is to enable the same
Chore list sound setting for sound on rescan of animals who's chores have been completed
Add a setting for changing the sound on rescan of an animal who's chores have already been completed. Currently we play "Already done" but the user cannot choose others sounds. Some farms may want hear "Done", "Complete", etc which is not as long as "Already
Colors on events and chores for animal pages in mobile app
It would be nice if we had the same event and chore coloring/highlighting for the animal pages in the mobile app. The color scheme would match what is shown on the chores and recent events of the animal page in bovisync web. I think this would also help
Enable fields "Check type", "Structure side", and "Structure seen" on Open preg checks
On the app the fields: "Check type", "Structure side", and "Structure seen" all skip regardless of the setting for open preg checks. These fields may want to be used for open preg checks.
Test day Result Set Distribution
Following DHIA test import, an email distribution should be triggered that includes attachments for the DHIA file imported and the user's custom report(s) and/or compiled reports (report PDF with multiple reports). This will serve as notification to users
Navigator Shortcuts for multiple reports
Many farms use supportive treatments alongside antibiotic treatments. Right now, in order to record this, the user enters an event from the detail view on the chore list > enters the diagnosis > selects one treatment protocol. To record the additional
Autocomplete for inventory
After selecting an item, we should auto-fill the cost, supplier and location from the previous receipt of this item.
Show length next to sound option
Show length next to sound option
Mobile app support for reports
Mobile app support for reports
Change origin to livebirth, remove purchased event
Change origin to livebirth, remove purchased event
Exclude inactive pens from printing on pens count report
Exclude inactive pens from printing on pens count report
Revert EID to previous after deleting a change EID event
Revert EID to previous after deleting a change EID event
Add breeding pregnant cow warning on web for implants
Add breeding pregnant cow warning on web for implants
Animal Added Message
after adding a pen or bulk tank, the '1 Animal added message appears'. That message should be adapted to the type: Pen/Group, Bulk Tank, Semen Tank, etc
Using event set with prefilled sires creates farm sires causing semen inventory discrepancies
Using event set with prefilled sires creates farm sires causing semen inventory discrepancies
Removing dosage saved to a chore in a protocol prevents saving
When you create a protocol containing treatment chores and fill in a value for treatment you cannot remove the dosage value (null value). If you have a null value for dosage and try to save the protocol you receive an error message. You have to fill in
Copy/Paste into permission email often causes error
Copying/pasting an email address often includes the "mailto:" at the beginning and makes it not a valid email address. The 'mailto:' should get ignored and remove
New Permission notification
when you are added to a farm, you should get some kind of email notification. And so should admins
Duplicate entry on batch entry page, returns invalid rows
Sometimes "When duplicate entry is inputted into the batch entry, the page returns rows with the row shifted and the row number in the first cell.
Warning on VWP changes
Warning on VWP changes
Block farm settings edits when logged into multiple farms
Block farm settings edits when logged into multiple farms
Display "Implant day X" in info column of protocols table
Add the text "Implant" + the day of the implant in the protocol. Example: if an implant is set to be given on day 7 the info column of the protocol would say "Implant day 7". Currently, there is logic which does this for bred events saying "AI day X".
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