The "at event" calculations are done looking at that animal the immediate moment after the event is recorded. So, if I do DSLH/DSLB at event for a preg check, I see how many days since the previous breeding.
A few general explanations:
- In the case of a breeding, the DSLH/DSLB will be 0. If an animal is bred today, its DSLB is now 0.
- The difference between DSLH/DSLB is Days since last breeding is the days since Bred/bull bred/Implant. and the day since last heat is the days since Bred/Bull bred/Implant/Heat.
- Implants have a 7-day correction applied. So DCC, DSLB, etc. are the days since an implant and then have 7d added to them.
So, if you do DSLH @ event on an AI service, it will always be 0. If you do it on an implant, it will always be 7 (0 days + 7d correction).
For evaluation of the heat to implant, there are two good and commonly used methods:
1) The formula =round(HrsHeat/12,0)/2, This gives you half day increments
2) If you have an activity system and have heats with closer times --> TimeHeat4 as a built-in report item.
Those two will give you the time distance between the implant event and the heat event recorded for the animal.