Edit chores/events through Bovi-Insights report

Edit chores/events through Bovi-Insights report

A convenience factor would be to have a shortcut to edit a chore or event from a Bovi-insights report. Currently, it's a lot of clicks to get from the report to the event editing page. This feature is available on the legacy reports and would be nice to see it on the Bovi-Insights side too.

An example where this would help me is on selling cows. We sell all livestock on Mondays and sometimes it's Thursday before we get a settlement sheet. I enter animals sold on Monday but then like to go back and edit the events to add in backtag, weight, and price. I'm going to make an event report to track sold animals, weights, and prices. It'd be nice to also have the event edit feature on there to be able to update the most current weeks data.