RTreatSeq for medical tretament protocols

RTreatSeq for medical tretament protocols

RTreatSeq has been designed to be used to evaluate reproductive compliance. However, would it be possible to create something similar for medical treatment protocols? 

We would have a medical diagnosis as a reference , then animals are treated with a specific protocol. Then see how many animals have gotten all treatments and how many didn’t. With this we could then look at recurrency of disease, differences in milk production (ketosis cows not finishing protocol may have lower milk peak?), mortality rate…

Another example are Mastitis cows. Are some cows getting mastitis more frequently because they are not getting the complete treatment protocol the first time? Are cows that miss mastitis treatments more prone to lose a teat or getting culled? Do these cows develop resistance to the antibiotics that were missed and then treatment has to be changed because of the lack of compliance? You could associate this with the existing items that count the number of the different episodes of illness and see if an animal has more episodes compared with animals that do the protocols correctly. These types of treatments are also protocols and compliance should be also evaluated for them.