Select multiple limbs/quarters when entering events

Select multiple limbs/quarters when entering events

When entering a hoof trim event, an injury, or anything else that allows one to designate the quarter/limb, it is not possible to choose more than one quarter/limb. 

Request to allow for multiple quarter/limb selection when entering an event on the phone.

Example: Hoof trimming and we find a cow that has Digital Dermatitis on 2 hooves. We need to enter the Digital Dermatitis event twice to enter for each of the limbs, often this also gets blocked because it is a duplicate event entry. 

When 2 limbs are selected, we will need the option for protocol enrollment for each limb: treatment for limb 1, treatment for limb 2. (similar to how the info screen for the calves pop up when entering a fresh event with twins).