Adding Freshening on the Phone

Adding Freshening on the Phone

This knowledge base will walk you through how to see up Freshen Entry, Freshen Birth Calves Event Set
Freshen Entry 
1) Click Enter Event

2) Click Add New Set

3) Name it Freshen

4) Add Event Type Freshen

5) Decide if you want to record Dystoica Score and Assisted Calving

Setup a Fresh Birth Event for Calves (Only if you want to record event for the Calves)

1) Setting up Birth Event For Calves 
            This will allow you to enter events on the calf (Example: Weights, Moves, breed, etc.)

2) Add the event you would like to record for the calves 

1) Click and Hold Freshen then Edit

2) Click the Down Arrow to Open the Freshen Event 

3) Click None on The Calf Chore Set and Link it to Freshen Birth Event For Calves 

Setup a Fresh Birth Chore for Calves (Only if you want to record event for the Calves)

1) Click Chores from the Home Screen
2) Click New List 

3) Name the Chore List Freshen Birth Chores 

3) Now add the Chore you want to Complete when the Calf is Born by Clicking Add Chore Type

Example of Items to add

Saving the Changes 

 1) From the Home Screen Click the 3 lines on the Top Left-Hand Side of the Phone
2) Click Settings
3)  Click Save Settings to BoviSync 
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