Clear Milk Withhold Chores with Protocol or Milk Withhold Event

Clear Milk Withhold Chores with Protocol or Milk Withhold Event

Be careful when doing this as you can easily clear milk withhold chores with this feature. Always be cognizant of which chores are being cleared so you do not milk a treated cow.

This article will walk through the process of clearing milk withhold chores. Milk holds will remain until the chores are manually cleared by a user or automatically by a protocol.

Clearing Milk Withhold chores using a protocol

To clear milk withhold chores using a protocol you just need to be an admin (as you need the ability to create protocols). On the protocol page click the New button and then Copy Protocol.

Select BoviSync as the herd to copy the protocol from.

Select the protocol(s) you would like to copy to your herd then click the Copy button. Below are the three protocols we recommend choosing from.
  • Auto-Clear Milk Holds on Milk Cows and Heifers - Automatically Clear Milk Holds after X days for cows that are not in hospital pens and are not dry.  Need to check the Hold Removed to make this work
  • Auto-Clear Old Milk Holds - Automatically clear the milk hold chores that are in the past
  • Auto-Clear Old Milking Cow Milk Holds - Automatically clear the milk hold chores that are in the past

These three protocols use a criteria report to enroll animals in the protocol and then clear the milk hold chores.

From here you should adjust the report criteria for your herd or at least verify that the criteria meets your needs to ensure the correct animals are going to be enrolled in the protocol. To do so, Select the protocol, then click the Edit button.

To view the report criteria click View. The report will open in a new window.

Click the Modify button to view the report criteria to see which animals will be enrolled in the protocol.

Make any changes to the report to get the animals you would like to appear on the report, then run the report by clicking Fetch Report. When you are satisfied with the animals on the report, Save the report by clicking the Save Report button.

Save the report to the location you would like then click Save Report.

Once you are satisfied with your criteria report make the protocol active and save the protocol.

Clearing Milk Withhold Chores with user created milk withhold events

For this to work you just need to create a Milk Withhold event.
Enter the animal IDs in the event.
Ensure the "Hold Removed" button is checked.
Press Save (Complete Chore will be visible in some cases). The milk withhold chores are cleared.

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