BoviSync Protocol Report Enrollments

How to Edit a Criteria Enrollment Protocol

This article was made to help explain how to edit or change criteria enrollment reports used for protocols in BoviSync. There are different ways of creating protocols in BoviSync, a very simple way of doing it is setting them up by criteria enrollment. By using a report, farms can determine which cows become enrolled in a protocol. A great example of a criteria enrollment report would be a list of fresh cows that exceed a certain number of days since calving. The report could enroll the cows into a protocol for a paint chore to identify their eligibility to move out of the fresh pen.

These are the steps for editing an existing criteria enrollment report:

  1. Find the protocol page by clicking Farm Setup and clicking on protocols.
  2. Once the protocols load up, go by search, and start typing the name of the protocol you want to change or edit.
  3. Open the protocol and click on the report attach by the criteria enrollment. (This is for report-based criteria! See Below)
  4. After the report loads, click on Modify Report, and make changes.
  5. Once you have been made any changes click on fetch report and this will load with the changes made.
  6. After the report loads, click by Save Report to the same location (generally Management Enrollments)
Save the report to "management; enrollments" every time you make changes to your reports that are used for protocol enrollments. If the report is set to run daily, you must have 2 checkmarks: a checkmark to clear range date and a checkmark to save it as a farm report. If the report is set to run only by one day of the week you must save the report with the checkmark save as farm report only.
Only legacy animal reports may be used for criteria enrollment reports as of 1/1/2023
Reports vs. no reports: There are two options for criteria enrollments. The first applies the protocol to any animal on a report. The second is the no report option available when choosing a report. This will allow the protocol to only use the built-in items under criteria enrollments. Animals must match the criteria exactly and will be enrolled 10 days ahead for the no reports.
Be aware, when you change the no report criteria, you may have extra or missing cows that you need to enroll into or remove from the protocol. Please contact support so we can ensure the correct cows are on the protocol after the edit. 

Criteria enrollment type defines if this report should be treated as a complete list of animals that should be on the protocol, OR a list of animals to start the protocol. 
Enroll only: once enrolled the animal will remain on the protocol, even if that animal no longer appears on this list report.
Match List will cancel the protocol for animals that no longer appear on the list. The "Match List" function will only cancel the protocol for animals that were enrolled by this enrollment (the animal was on the list at one time), animals that were manually enrolled or enrolled by other automatic enrollments will not be removed from the protocol.

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