Import Genomic Information into BoviSync

Import Genomic Information into BoviSync

This guide will walk through the process of importing genomic information into BoviSync. This import type can be used to import files from: CDC, Jegen, Neogen or Zoetis. Each of the files has requirements for the first several columns of the report. After that the columns may appear in any order.

Jump to the end of the article to see all of the accepted header values that will link to a bovisync report item if the same header value is used in the import.

CDC Header Requirements (file extension .cdc)

 (Column headings must be in this order and spelled the same way). As of 6/12/19 "blend_code" is also supported.
  • eval_breed
  • id17
  • sex
  • sire17
  • dam17

Column headings if "blend_code" is used in a .cdc file:

  • eval_breed
  • blend_code
  • id17
  • sex
  • sire17
  • dam17

Jegen Header Requirements

(Column headings must be in this order and spelled the same way).

  • MgtNum
  • RegId
  • RegName
  • BirthDate

Neogen Header Requirements (file extension .dng)

 (Column headings must be in this order and spelled the same way).
  • eval_breed
  • id17
  • sex
  • sire17
  • dam17

Zoetis Header Requirements (file extension .zoe)

 (Column headings must be in this order and spelled the same way).
  • id17
  • Barcode

Example files are attached which have the first "required" headers and all of the additional column headings after the required columns. View the file to see these column heading options for what you can import. Their file extensions would need to be changed to the respective extension for the imports to work as they are all .CSV as attached.
The example below will walk through the process of changing a .CSV file to a .CDC file and then uploading it. The same process would be followed if you are uploading a .zoe. .dng or .jegen file types.

Fill out the data you would like to import. The id17 field must match the registration number for the animal or nothing will be imported. The registration number can be found on the animal details of the animal page. See the example below (larger screen shot example is attached)

Save the file as a .CSV file. (The name of the file can be whatever you would like)

After saving as a .CSV you will have to change the file extension from .CSV to .CDC
If you are having problems changing the extension, make sure you have this setting enabled on your computer
The file will look like this after changing the extension:

Next, (in BoviSync) go to Setup --> Import -->  Genomic Data and press Continue.  or click here

Once you have selected your file click Import --> Enter your username/password and click continue. Wait until your import is completed and you are ready to go.

Header Values that Convert Imported Value into report items

If these header values are used in the above imports they will link to report items. Bold are the header or alternative header that can be used - non-bold are the corresponding report items that will have the value of the import

'BHD', 'Brown Swiss Haplotype for Spinal Dysmyelination'
'BHM', 'Brown Swiss Haplotype for Spinal Muscular Atrophy'
'BHP', 'Brown Swiss Haplotype for Polled mutation'
'BHW', 'Brown Brown Swiss haplotype for Weaver syndrome',
'HBR', 'Holstein Haplotype for Black/Red'
'HCD', 'Holstein Haplotype for Cholesterol Deficiency'
'AH1', 'Ayrshire Haplotype Affecting Fertility 1'
'BH1', 'First Brown Swiss haplotype affecting fertility'
'BH2', 'Second Brown Swiss haplotype affecting Stillbirth '
'HH1', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 1'
'HH2', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 2'
'HH3', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 3'
'HH4', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 4'
'HH5', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 5'
'HH6', 'Holstein Haplotype Affecting Fertility 6'
'JH1', 'Jersey Haplotype Affecting Fertility 1'
'JH2', 'Jersey Haplotype Affecting Fertility 2'
'AYpct', 'Percent Ayrshire'
'BSpct', 'Percent Brown Swiss'
'GUpct', 'Percent Guernsey'
'HOpct', 'Percent Holstein'
'JEpct', 'Percent Jersey'
'Gen_Fut_Inb', 'Genomic Expected Future Inbreeding'
'Gen_Inb', 'Genomic Inbreeding'
'GL_GenPTA', 'GL', 'Gestation Length Enhanced PTA '
'GL_GenREL', 'Gestation Length Genomic Reliability'
'Ped_Inb', 'Pedigree Inbreeding'
'GenSire','sire17', 'Genomically Cofirmed Sire Official ID'
'BDE_GenPTA', 'Body Depth Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'CCR_GenPTA', 'CCR', 'Cow Conception Rate Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'CCR_GenREL', 'Cow Conception Rate Genomic Reliability'
'CM_Gen', 'CM$', 'Cheese Merit Genomically Enhanced PTA '
'dam17', 'Genomically Confirmed Dam Official ID'
'DAB_GenPTA', 'DA', 'Displaced Abomasum Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'DAB_GenREL', 'Displaced Abomasum Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'DCE_GenPTA', 'Daughter Calving Ease Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'DCE_GenREL', 'Daughter Calving Ease Genomic Reliability'
'DFM_GenPTA', 'Dairy Form Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'DPR_GenPTA', 'DPR', 'Daughter Pregnancy Rate Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'DPR_GenREL', 'Daughter Pregnancy Rate Genomic Reliability'
'DSB_GenPTA', 'Daughter Stillbirth Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'DSB_GenREL', 'Daughter Stillbirth Genomic Reliability'
'eval_breed', 'Evaluation Breed'
'Fat_GenPTA', 'Fat Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'Fat_GenREL', 'Fat Genomic Reliability'
'FatPct_GenPTA', 'PtaFatPct', 'Fat % Genomically Enhanced PTA '
'FatPct_GenREL', 'Fat % Genomic Reliability'
'FLC', 'FLC_Gen'  'Genomic Foot and Leg Composite'
'FLS_GenPTA', 'Feet and Legs Score Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'FM_Gen', 'FM$', 'Fluid Merit Genomically Enhanced PTA '
'FTA_GenPTA', 'Foot Angle Genomically Enhanced PTA',
'FTP_GenPTA', 'Fore Teat Placement Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'FUA_GenPTA', 'Fore Udder Attachment Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'GM_Gen', 'Grazing Merit Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'HCR_GenPTA', 'HCR', 'Heifer Conception Rate Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'HCR_GenREL', 'Heifer Conception Rate Genomic Reliability'
'KET_GenPTA', 'KET', 'Ketosis Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'KET_GenREL', 'Ketosis Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'LIV_GenPTA', 'LIV', 'Livability Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'LIV_GenREL', 'Livability Genomic Reliability'
'MAS_GenPTA', 'MAS', 'Mastitis Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'MAS_GenREL', 'Mastitis Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'MET_GenPTA', 'MET', 'Metritis Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'MET_GenREL', 'Metritis Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'MFV_GenPTA', 'MFV', 'Milk Fever Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'MFV_GenREL', 'Milk Fever Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'Milk_GenPTA', 'PtaMilk', 'Milk Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'Milk_GenREL', 'Milk Genomic Reliability'
'NM$', 'NM_Gen', 'Net Merit Genomically Enhanced PTA '
'NM_GenREL', 'Net Merit Genomic Reliability'
'PL_GenPTA', 'PL', 'Productive Life Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'PL_GenREL', 'Productive Life Genomic Reliability'
'Pro_GenPTA', 'Protein Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'Pro_GenREL', 'Protein Genomic Reliability'
'ProPct_GenPTA', 'PtaProtPct', 'Protein % Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'ProPct_GenREL', 'Protein % Genomic Reliability'
'PTAT_GenPTA', 'Final Score Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'PTAT_GenREL', 'Final Score Genomic Reliability'
'RLR_GenPTA', 'Rear Legs Rear View Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'RLS_GenPTA', 'Rear Legs Side View Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'RPA_GenPTA', 'Rump Angle Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'RPL_GenPTA', 'RPL', 'Retained Placenta Genomically Enhanced PTA(CDCB)'
'RPL_GenREL', 'Retained Placenta Genomic Reliability(CDCB)'
'RTP_GenPTA', 'Rear Teat Placement Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'RUH_GenPTA', 'Rear Udder Attachment Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'RUW_GenPTA', 'Rear Udder Width Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'SCE_GenPTA', 'Sire Calving Ease Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'SCE_GenREL', 'Sire Calving Ease Genomic Reliability'
'SCS_GenPTA', 'SCS', 'Somatic Cell Score Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'SCS_GenREL', 'Somatic Cell Score Genomic Reliability'
'SSB_GenPTA', 'Sire Stillbirth Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'SSB_GenREL', 'Sire Stillbirth Genomic Reliability'
'STA_GenPTA', 'Stature Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'STR_GenPTA', 'Strength Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'TLG_GenPTA', 'Teat Length Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'TRW_GenPTA', 'Thurl Width Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'UCL_GenPTA', 'Udder Cleft Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'UDC', 'UDC_Gen', 'Genomic Udder Composite'
'UDP_GenPTA', 'Udder Depth Genomically Enhanced PTA'
'UDP_GenREL', 'Udder Depth Genomic Reliability'
'JPI', 'Genomic Jersey Performance Index'
'JUI', 'Genomic Jersey Udder Index'
'A2', 'Genomic Beta_Casein_A2'
'AlphaS-1Casein', 'Genomic Alpha_S_1_Casein'
'Barcode', 'Sample ID'
'BETALACT', 'Genomic Beta Lactoglobulin'
'BVD', 'Genomic BVD'
'CIT', 'Genomic Citrullinemia'
'DWP$', 'Dairy Wellness Profit Index (DWP$)'
'FACTORXI', 'Genomic Factor XI'
'KCN', 'Genomic Kappa Casein II'
'KCNI', 'Genomic Kappa Casein I'
'WT$', 'Wellness Trait Index (WT$)'
'BLAD', 'HHB', 'Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD)'
'BY', 'HHO', 'Brachyspina Carrier'
'CVM', 'HHC', 'Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) Carrier'
'DominantRed', 'HDR', 'Dominant Red'
'DUMPS', 'HHD', 'DUMPS Carrier'
'Horned Polled''HHP''JHP''Genomic Horned/Polled'
'Mulefoot', 'HHM', 'Holstein Haplotype for Mulefoot'
'RecessiveRed', 'HHR', 'Recessive Red'
'cholesterol deficiency', 'Genomic Cholesterol Deficiency'
'TPI', 'TPI_Gen', 'Genomic Holstein Performance Index'
'JPI', 'Genomic Jersey Performance Index'
'BPI', 'Genomic Breed Performance Index'
'CPI', 'Genomic Cow Performance Index'
'CW$', 'Calf Wellness Index'
'AH2', 'Embryonic Lethal Status for Ayrshire'

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