Import Milk Culture Results - DNQ files

Import Milk Culture Results - DNQ files


This guide will walk you through how to import Milk Culture results with the DNQ file extension. This import can complete milk culture chores and create milk culture events.

File Creation

The file should have the following set-up. It's easiest done in a text editor program. There should not be a header.

Date Eartag OrganismID# Quarter (each are separated by a space)

For quarters to be recognized, they must be designated as follows:
Left Front: LF
Right Front: RF
Left Rear: LH
Right Rear: RH

05/08/2023 1567 3 LF
05/06/2023 1864 33 RH
05/07/2023 1283 35 RF
05/08/2023 1479 6 LH

Saving File

File Type: DNQ
Example: 26981765.DNQ

Import Data

1. Click here to open the Import Wizard for Lab Results
2. Click on "Choose File"

3. Browse and select the Import File
4. Click on "Import"

5. Enter your credentials

View Data in BoviSync

DNQ Mapping Codes:

NoGrowth 0
S.agalactiae 1
StrepSpecies 2
Staph.aureus 3
Staphspecies 4
E.coli 5
Klebsiella 6
Pseudomonas 7
Pasteurella 8
Proteus 9
NoGrowth 00
S.agalactiae 01
StrepSpecies 02
Staph.aureus 03
Staphspecies 04
E.coli 05
Klebsiella 06
Pseudomonas 07
Pasteurella 08
Proteus 09
Serratia 10
G-bacillus 11
Yeast 12
Mold 13
Nocardia 14
Prototheca 15
A.pyogenes 16
C.bovis 17
G+bacillus 18
Contaminated 20
Mycoplasma 21
Fungus 23
C.ulcerans 26
C.species 27
Enterobacteria 28
Citrobacteria 29
StrepSpecies 30
StrepSpecies 32
Strep.dysgalactiae 33
Strep.uberis 34
Other 35
Entrerococcus 39
Lactococcus 42
NoGrowth 50
GramNegative 62
GramPositive 63

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