This article will walk through the process of importing and reporting on specific PTA information in BoviSync.
Preparing the File for Import
Currently the PTA items which you can report on from an animal report are:
- PTA Cow Conception Rate
- PTA Daughter Pregnancy Rate
- PTA Fat
- PTA Fat Percent
- PTA Heifer Conception Rate
- PTA Livability
- PTA Milk
- PTA Productive Life
- PTA Protein
- PTA Protein Percent
- PTA Somatic Cell Score
- PTA Net Merit $
- PTA Cheese Merit $
To import this information you will need to create a .CSV file or use the attached example file. The requirements of the file are:
1. The first 8 headers must be exactly the same as what is shown in the example file:

Column 8 (DRMSRFID) has to be entered as the registration ID in BoviSync or the PTA values will not be updated.
2. To find the registration value of an animal in BoviSync, you have two options.
Option 2: Open the animal page and click on the "Current Status" tab:
3. The file must remain the same as the attached template. Do not change any of the first 8 columns or the file will not import.
4. After the first columns, you may enter any of the following PTA items to the file:
Acceptable header
| Alternative Header
| PTA Item Description
| --
| PTA Cow Conception Rate
| --
| PTA Daughter Pregnancy Rate
| --
| PTA Fat
| PTAFatPercent
| PTA Fat Percent
| --
| PTA Heifer Conception Rate
| PTALivability
| PTA Livability
| --
| PTA Milk
| PTAProductiveLife
| PTA Productive Life
| PTAProtein
| PTA Protein
| PTAProteinPercent
| PTA Protein Percent
| PTAScs
| PTA Somatic Cell Score
| NetMeritDollars
| PTA Net Merit Dollars
| CheeseMeritDollars
| PTA Cheese Merit Dollars |
5. Below is a screenshot of a file that is correctly formatted:

Make sure the file is saved as a .CSV file.
Importing the File into BoviSync
1. Go to Setup > Import and choose "Animal Trait/Type (AAA, PTA, Breeding Type, ect) from the import options. or
click here
2. Click "choose file" and select the file you prepared as shown in the beginning of the article. Then click "Import"
3. Enter your Username/Password to continue with the import.
4. Wait for the data to import (this may take longer depending on how large the file is). Once the file is uploaded you can run an animal report
like this one to access the PTA data. Feel free to modify the report or use the items in another report as you see fit.