Merge User and Technicians

Merge User and Technicians

Written Instructions:

1. Copy and Paste the Person(Name) and Username(Email) from the Farm Access tab in Farm Setup to a Notepad 
2. Remove the User from the Farm (Double Click the Access Level and select Remove/None ; Strike Enter on keyboard)
3. Double Click the 'Technician' Name you want to merge and paste the name from your notepad from step 1
4. Strike 'Enter' on keyboard to save the name
5. Go to the BoviSync Home Page
6. Go back to Setup > Farm Setup > Farm Access
7. Re-add the user you deleted from step 2. (Click 'Add Permission' and paste the email from step 1)
8. The User and Technician are now merged into 1 record

Video Example:

To play this video in fullscreen; click here

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