Pedigree Dam Creation

Pedigree Dam Creation

Normally dam is associated at calving. In the event an animal is created or implant information was incorrect a pedigree dam may need to be created. Dam information is normally associated with animals based on matching the imported Dam ID with existing ID in the current location of the animal created. If the animal is in the herd then the Dam with the ID in BoviSync that matches the Dam information on each animal record will be used for creating pedigree related information. In the event that a dam ID isn't in the location then there will be no dam recorded.

Pedigree records are essentially a special category of animal record for buliding pedigrees when the dam isn't available. These records do not show up on any farm reports. They will just be used for pedigree information of associated offspring.

A registration number for the dams not owned or on site may be created by creating a pedigree dam. Click Edit Animal Details on the animal page. Select Dam and delete value present. Enter  "Registration number of Dam" and click enter. Wait until prompt to create pedigree dam, enter. 

create pedigree dam

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