Scan NFC Tags into BoviSync

Scan NFC Tags into BoviSync

NFC Tag Scanning

If your device supports NFC scanning, you can use this free tool to scan NFC tags into BoviSync using your device.   No need for extra scanners or tools!    For example, AFI and SCR collars use NFC technology. 

Keyboard Setup

1. Download Tec-IT Scanner Keyboard from Google Play Store
2. Set as default android keyboard
3. Load configuration file
Tec-IT Scanner Keyboard is free to use, however the full version can be purchased for $4.99 from Google Play Store. 

Note:  Your device must have NFC scanning built in.  Device shown in video:  Google Pixel 6A

Event Set Setup

Your event set on BoviSync should be setup as follows:
ID Type:   Transponder (AFI)  or  SCR Collar (SCR)
ID:  000
Show/Edit Note:  Selected/Checked

Need help?   Reach our to our customer success team!

Entry Workflow

1. Scan Animal's EID or Enter Eartag
2. Tap in "Notes Field"
3. Tap "Scan" icon on Keyboard 
4 Tap "Read NFC Tag"
5. Hold phone on NFC Tag, Confirmation screen is shown upon successful tag scan.  Tap "Confirm" 
6. Tap and Hold the "Scan" icon (NFC Tag is sent into Note Field) 
7. Enter Event

Configuration Files

(See Attachments on KB below)
BoviSync_Settings_Keyboard.xml works for both AFI and SCR Tags. 
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