If your device supports NFC scanning, you can use this free tool to scan NFC tags into BoviSync using your device. No need for extra scanners or tools! For example, AFI and SCR collars use NFC technology.
Background BoviSync customers now use the BoviSync mobile app to scan NFC tags for SCR Transponders. NFC reading allows tags to be assigned simply by scanning with a wand in the barn. NFC readers can provide the number by electronically reading the ...
Everything entered into BoviSync is transactional, even scanning EIDs and looking up cows on the mobile app. This feature is very useful for when it comes time to do inventory on a herd. The simplest way to do inventory is to use the mobile app. ...
You can use your device's camera to scan barcodes (1D & 2D) into the BoviSync app! Note: depending on the quality of the device's camera you may see different results. Written Instructions: 1. Install this (FREE) Keyboard Add-On from Google Play ...
Before starting to consume the BoviSync API, it is recommended you create a user account and get familiar with the Bovi-Insights reporting that is the reporting UI that is fed by the BoviSync API. In doing this you will be able to answer your own ...
BoviSync interfaces with many other systems on a dairy, and we are continually adding more. The following list is many of the most popular interfaces BoviSync supports as of 1/1/2025 Alpro DelPro DelPro VMS AFI 3 AFI 4 AFI 5+ DairyPlan C21 AIC ...