Treatment Administration and Linking

Treatment Administration and Linking

Treatments should always be linked to a reason why the animal is receiving the treatment.    Often times animals are treated due to some type of medical diagnosis.   This guide will walk you through how to create a new Treatment protocol or how to copy a standard protocol to your farm.  

Creating a new treatment Protocol:
Before creating a brand new protocol, try coping one! For more info see: Copy Protocols
2. At the bottom of the page, select "New" 
3. Create the new protocol.  Below is an example of a Hydrate (Pump) protocol.  

Note: The protocol usage is set as Treatment.     The treatment chore(s) associated with this example have Auto Event enabled.  (Most common for 1d treatment protocols)

Video Example:

Protocol Creation - 0:00-1:20
Event Entry (Web) - 1:20-1:45
Event Entry (Mobile) - 1:45-2:05
View Data - 2:05-2:25

If you have additional quetions regarding treatment protocols please reach out to the ustomer sucess team. 
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