Event Entry
Setup/Configure an Android Device
Best Practices The following are considered best practices when setting up phones: 1. Adjust the time zone as needed. This is very important. 2. Use the same Google account for all devices 3. Set all the devices up to be as identical as possible 4. ...
Animal Pages
The cow pages provide a detailed wealth information about the animal; production, pedigree, breeding, health, and much more. There are two types of cow pages; individual and group. Individual pages load to the general tab, which has a summary ...
Introduction to the BoviSync Website Application
There are a few methods to navigate BoviSync: The Menu Bar The Navigator Using of your internet browser’s bookmarks Because the program is displayed through a web browser, you can use bookmarks to be able to return to specific reports, cow pages, ...
Deleting Events with an Event Report
This guide will walk through the process of deleting events with an event report. This is most frequently used when you have a larger number of items to delete. If you are looking to only delete a few events this process is a little faster. In this ...
Chores and Basic Chore Creation in BoviSync
Chores in BoviSync are tasks or actions with regards to a specific animal or procedure on the farm that typically happen in the future. Chores are created from protocols and from users who save chores to be completed at a future date. Chores are an ...
Events and Basic Event Entry
Events in BoviSync are important things that happen to an animal that should be or are recorded. They might be when an animal is dried off or when an animal freshens. All events have a few things in common: an animal ID associated with the event, an ...
Clear Withhold Milk Chore
Written Instructions: 1. Open this report: Milk Withhold Chores 2. Click 'Edit' on the animals you want to clear (Tip: Holding Ctrl on the keyboard while clicking the edit button will open animals in individual tabs) 3. The edit event page opens. ...
Warnings in mobile app when you attempt to sign out before syncing
There are certain warnings you might receive if you attempt to sign out of the BoviSync app when you have chores and/or events that have not yet been synced to BoviSync. This guide will discuss warning messages that you will receive and what they ...
Add/Update Animal IDs (Batch entry)
There are two methods to add or update IDs: Manual Entry and Copy from Excel. Manual Entry The first method we will show you is manual entry. This method is useful when you have just a few IDs that you would like to update. When you have a lot of IDs ...
Event Entry (Batch Entry)
Batch Entry allows anyone to easily enter events in a batch (multiple animals at once). You can use batch entry to update the following information for individual animals: Body Condition Scores Height Weight Locomotion Scores Milk Weights There are ...
Sold to Finisher or Sold to Dairy - Full History Copy
This guide will walk through the process of creating a Sold-Cull event with either reason: "Sold to Finisher" or "Sold to Dairy" and a full history copy. This method will sell an animal from farm A to farm B. This process will create a new animal at ...
Sold to Finisher or Sold to Dairy - Limited History Copy
This guide will walk through the process of creating a Sold-Cull event with either reason: "Sold to Finisher" or "Sold to Dairy" and a limited history copy. This method will sell an animal from farm A to farm B. This process will create a new animal ...
Change Ownership
Written Instructions: To change the ownership of an animal, complete the following steps: 1. Move the animal to the appropriate farm 2. Enter Event > Change Ownership: 3. The animal's ownership will change to the farm/herd the animal is currently ...
Breed Holds
Breed holds indicate that an animal should not be bred for some period of time. During that time her repro status will be "hold" instead of "open". A hold will always start on the date of the event. A breed hold can either be entered with an "end ...
Add a Permission: (User) (pre-existing BoviSync account)
Written Instructions: 1. Go to Setup > Account Management: 2. Click 'Farm Access' 3. Then, click 'Add Permission' 4. Type the e-mail address of whom you wish to give access to your herd: 5. Then, click 'Add 6. You will receive this notification: 7. ...
Late Abortion Handling
If an abort is recorded for an animal 152 DCC or greater, a fresh event is created, consistent with DHIA standards. Physical aborts that late and later can cause a new lactation. However, if you breed an animal or find the animal open and record a ...
Enter Lactations for New Animals
In BoviSync you can use the Prev-Lactations event type to adjust a purchased animals lactation to be correct. If you only know that the animal is say a 3rd lactation animal you can enter a fresh event and then enter the Prev-Lactations event to ...
Enter Sold/Cull Events
How to enter sold/cull events in BoviSync: Sold Cull events can be entered from the web or the Android application. This guide will go over entering them from the web app. 1. Enter a new 'Sold/Cull' event: Start by double clicking the Enter button ...
Freshening an Animal in the BoviSync Web Application
How to freshen an animal in BoviSync: Fresh events may be entered from the web application or mobile application. Users use the web application if they simply want to record fresh events. The mobile application allows for recording more information ...
Freshening a newly purchased animal
BoviSync blocks entering 'Freshening' events for animals that are less than 150 DCC. Sometimes there are rare instances where you need to enter a Freshen event for an animal less than 150 days carried calf. An example would be a newly purchased ...
Merging Duplicate Animals
If animals are scanned at destination farm, before a 'move off farm' event is entered; a new animal will be created upon scanning the EID. To merge the two animals into 1 record in BoviSync follow the video below. At the end is a section about ...
Event Types Available
Table of types of events that can be entered in BoviSync Event Table: Table of events with Descriptions in BoviSync Event With Descriptions:
Deleting Events
This guide will walk through the process of deleting an event for an animal. This method is intended for deleting a few events from a single animal. If you are looking to delete a lot of events from one or more animals please see this article. Start ...