Farm Setup
Implant Setup BoviSync
Protocol Setup Copy Protocol from BoviSync global farm: Implant off Heat Synch Protocol Setup for Recipients If using a synch program to prepare the recipient animals, copy the sync protocol you are using from your farm or the BoviSync farm. Replace ...
Office Suite Recommendations
A variety of farms use BoviSync. Usually there are a handful of computers dedicated to accessing the web app or running parlor software. On these computers its really nice to have a good spreadsheet and document editor. Its hard to replicate ...
Pen, Barns and Locations User Interface
This guide will go over creating and modifying pens, barns and locations. We will also show you some of the items for the different pen attributes that can be used in an animal report. Getting to the Pen, Barn, Locations Setup page From the main menu ...
Deduct Semen Inventory for All Breedings Setting
This guide will walk through a new setting which allows you to deduct from semen inventory via a bred event even if a unit of semen was not actually pulled from a tank on your farm. This applies to breedings performed on the mobile app or in a web ...
Create a User with Move Only Permissions
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a user who has "Move Only" permissions at your farm. Just like it sounds, this permission level will only allow a user to move animals to your farm. They cannot see any of your data, or do ...
Turn Receiving Pens On/Off
In order to move an animal off farm, you must set the pen that will be receiving the animal as a 'Receiving' Pen. This then allows you to move the animal off farm to that specific pen. Written Instructions: 1. Got to: Setup --> Farm Setup 2. Click on ...
Edit Automatic Pen Move at Dry Off
If you would like to automatically move animals when you are drying them off this setting in Herd Settings allows you to do this. You can specify a single pen. If you have a more complex scenario that requires you to be able to move animals ...
Add a Permission: (User) (non-existing BoviSync account)
Written Instructions: 1. Go to Setup > Account Management: 2. Click 'Farm Access' 3. Then, click 'Add Permission' 4. Type the e-mail address of whom you wish to give access to your herd: 5. Then, click 'Add' An e-mail is sent to the person with a ...
Removing a Permission (User)
Written Instructions: 1. Go to Setup > Account Management: 2. Click 'Farm Access' 3. Double-click a row to edit: 4. Select 'Remove/None' from the 'Access Level' column 5. Strike 'Enter' on your keyboard to save changes 5. Permission successfully ...
Add a New User (With a manager email)
This guide is for setting up a new BoviSync user account with a separate email for password recovery. Click here to create a new BoviSync account. You must create the BoviSync account FIRST, then add farm permission to that account. Written ...
Basic Farm Setup
To play this video in fullscreen; click here This video will give you a brief understanding how to complete basic setup procedures for new farms. Related Articles: DHIA Information
DHIA Herd History Request
How to Request DHI History in BoviSync: Written Instructions: 1. Click 'Setup' and click 'Herd Settings' 2. 'Click the 'Settings' Tab 3. Enter your DHI Herd Code, Access Code, and Testing Lab. 4. Click 'Request Herd History Import' 5. You will be ...
Add/Change/Edit Directories for Data Client
Video Tutorial: To play this video in fullscreen; click here Related articles: 'Configuring Auto-Downloads for Reports' Tips/Tricks: To setup automatic downloads 'Farm Reports' go to: 'Setup>Farm Setup' select the 'Farm Reports' tab. Under 'Actions' ...