Zoetis Genomic Breeding Type Import
This KB article will go over how to use the Zoetis Genomic Breeding Type Import. The process is pretty simple. The requirements to perform this import are: You are signed into a BoviSync herd You need to have Read/Write permissions in that herd First ...
Zoetis Genomics Interface Instructions
Zoetis has an automated system for transmitting genomic results to BoviSync. All farms on BoviSync are setup to receive genomic results, there is nothing else you need to do in BoviSync to receive and use genomic results. For Zoetis to send the ...
Import Genomic Information into BoviSync
This guide will walk through the process of importing genomic information into BoviSync. This import type can be used to import files from: CDC, Jegen, Neogen or Zoetis. Each of the files has requirements for the first several columns of the report. ...
Select Sires Pedigree Rank Import
This guide will walk through the process of importing a Select Sires Pedigree Rank file. Once you have the file it is pretty straightforward to import it. The file must be a .CSV file and have the following headers (shown below). There is an example ...
Import ABS Index
This guide will walk you through the process of importing an ABS Global Index file into BoviSync. In order to upload a file to BoviSync the file has to meet the following requirements: The file needs to have 2 columns. ID and My_Index need to be the ...