Inactivating a Protocol
This article explains how to make a protocol inactive, keep in mind, BoviSync doesn't allow to delete a protocol, this was designed to allow the animals to finish their chores after the protocol is no longer used, To inactivate a protocol, follow ...
Treatment Administration and Linking
Treatments should always be linked to a reason why the animal is receiving the treatment. Often times animals are treated due to some type of medical diagnosis. This guide will walk you through how to create a new Treatment protocol or how to copy a ...
Breeding Plans
The breeding plan event is useful for assigning the next breeding type for each animal. The breeding plan event may be entered manually or through a protocol. The advantage of the protocol is that criteria can be used to modify the breeding plan ...
Creating Repro Protocols
First TAI Protocols: Edit the VWP in the Herd Settings, it is better to get this done before creating any repro protocols. Copy the protocol from the global farm. Drug of choice. Treatment notes. Breeding chore date. Frequency (Rare Cases). For ...
Recommended Treatment Protocol Setup
The purpose of this kb article is to explain the best practices for building treatment protocols. The flexibility of the BoviSync Protocols is one of our main selling points. The protocol can be adapted to almost any conceivable plan on a dairy. The ...
Mastitis Management Protocols
Mastitis protocols In the built-in protocols, there are 17 protocols for Mastitis. All protocols have a manual enrollment from a medical diagnosis of clinical mastitis or medical diagnosis of High SCC. If the farm does not record High SCC there is no ...
Best Practices for setting up protocols
Vaccination Protocols When setting up vaccination protocols, there are generally 2 flavors. Vaccines that are always done at the time of another event (preg checked preg, dry check of preg, a certain hoof trim event, etc), and vaccines that are done ...