Genetic Tactics: implementing a genetic strategy with BoviSync
Decrease Inbreeding and Achieve Genetic Goals A successful genetic strategy is key to improving herd performance. Advanced herd management software like BoviSync simplifies implementation of a genetic strategy. Dairies leverage BoviSync to decrease ...
Maximizing Investment in Dairy Genomics with BoviSync
Transforming Dairy Management with Genomic Testing Introduction In the realm of dairy farming, leveraging genomic technologies has emerged as a transformative approach to enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability. BoviSync integrates ...
Heifer Size at First Breeding
Heifer Size at First Breeding Background The weight and growth of dairy animals is a critical component of achieving goals for lactating animals. After first partition, the growth yet to be done (difference between the size of the animal and mature) ...
Milking Parlor
Milking Parlor As a parlor manager you have a lot of little details you have to pay attention to. The details matter to keep quality milk harvest flowing and minimize health issues in the herd. If you have individual milk meters on your parlor and ...
Milk Shift Reports
Review Milking Shifts Reviewing how milking shifts perform compared to each other can help you use data to demonstrate efficacy of milking preparation. Differences in two-minute milk letdown, durations, and detaches can all be indicators of ...
Teat Scoring
Teat Scoring can be done on our Mobile App when you are spending the day in the parlor review the cows. This is a great article written in Dairy Herd, in which Dr. Paul Virkler and Dr. Bill Koffman summarizing the need for Teat End scoring and how to ...
Average Milk and deviation by Milk Unit
As a parlor manager you have a lot of little details you have to pay attention to. The details matter to keep quality milk harvest flowing and minimize health issues in the herd. If you have individual milk meters on your parlor and they are ...
Reproduction Compliance Monitoring and Improvement
The dairy industry has made enormous strides in improving reproduction efficiency. Research uncovering better use of pharmaceutical interventions, improved cow health and nutrition, improved genetics and sensor technologies have all made ...
GnRH Administration Impacts and Monitoring
The administration of GnRH prior to TAI is done to induce a preovulatory LH surge and thus ovulation. The timing of ovulation and breeding has a significant impact on conception rates. Due to its impact, it is often worth evaluating the timing of ...
Vaccine Compliance
Vaccine compliance is an important but overlooked aspect of management on most dairies. Historically vaccine administration was not tracked anywhere due to time cost and/or software limitations. BoviSync turned that paradigm on its head. Within ...
Cattle Inventory and Traceability
Cattle Inventory and Tracking (Traceability) Cattle Inventories and flows are important metrics to understand for both financial metrics and understanding the demographics impacting the herd. BoviSync has built several features and reports that help ...
Reproductive Hormone Compliance
Introduction Dairy cattle reproduction is a critical aspect of the dairy industry, directly impacting milk production and overall herd health. Over the years, the adoption of hormonal synchronization of estrus has brought about significant ...