This guide will walk you through the process of using the semen inventory functionality of BoviSync. The basic functionality allows you to perform the following tasks.
- Receive Semen Straws
- Move Straws to different tanks
- Adjust Inventory
- View Current Inventory Levels
- Semen Tanks
- Farm Sires
(You can only do this in the web browser and you must have read/write permissions)
All of the functionality discussed can be found by going to Enter --> Semen Inventory.
Receive Semen Straws
To receive semen straws select the "Receive Semen Straws" tab. Enter the sire number, quantity, cost (optional), location and supplier (optional) then click Submit. You can click on the "Current Inventory" tab and then press the Refresh button to see that your sire was added to inventory.
If the sire does not exist in the NAAB database you can still add it to inventory. Just click the button to create the site and continue with the reset of the required fields to add the sire to inventory.
Move Straws to different tanks
You can move inventory between the different tanks on your farm. In order to move sires there need to be at least two tanks on your farm.
Start by selecting the "Move Straws" if tab if you are not already on the Move Straws tab. Enter the sire in the item field, select the tank that you are moving the sire to in the "To Location" field and enter the quantity of inventory to move. Click Submit when you are finished. You can click on the "Current Inventory" tab and then press the Refresh button to see that your sire was added to inventory.
Adjusting Sire Inventory
This part of the sire inventory allows you to adjust your tanks inventory. If you just took inventory and noticed that your tank is actually missing a few units you can easily update it. You can also use this to add inventory to your tanks (you can also use "receive semen straws" for adding inventory).
Start this process by selecting the "Adjust Inventory" if tab if you are not already on the Adjust Inventory tab. Enter the sire in the item field. You can simply enter the actual number of sires present in a tank by entering that information in the Actual Stock field (you can enter an adjustment positive or negative number in the Adjustment field). Click Submit when you are finished. You can click on the "Current Inventory" tab and then press the Refresh button to see that your sire was added to inventory.
Current Inventory
This tab simply shows you the number of sires present in all of your tanks. Pressing the Refresh button will update inventory if you made a change in one of the other tabs.