ECM (Energy Corrected Milk)

ECM (Energy Corrected Milk)

BoviSync has a number of items that display different ECM (Energy Corrected Milk) values. These values only show for those herds that do regular DHI milk testing.

ECM = Energy Corrected Milk at last test day for the current lactation

PECMEnergy Corrected Milk at previous test day for the current lactation

2PECMEnergy Corrected Milk at second previous test day for the current lactation

BV_ECM305The predicted ECM during the first 305 DIM calculated by BoviSync using the most current test day information

BV_MEecm305Maturity corrected ECM for the first 305 DIM calculated by BoviSync using the most current test day information

The last two items shown are specific items only available in BoviSync. The BoviSync algorithm used to calculate these items is updated and recalculated periodically to stay current with the times. Animals must have at least one milk test at least seven days after fresh to generate a 305ME value. To learn more about this calculation and how BoviSync calculates lifetime production, please read this article - BoviSync Calculation for 305 Day Mature Equivalent Milk Production (305ME).

Here is a report the shows all these items - ECM Values available in BoviSync -