BoviSync Customer Voice/Community

BoviSync Customer Voice/Community

To continue improving and refining our tools available to customers like yourself we are proud to introduce our new Customer Voice platform.  As of 11/01/2023 Canny has been deprecated.  Rest assured all prior unimplemented Canny posts have been migrated to our new platform. 

We are always looking for new ways to improve BoviSync.  Customers can have their voice heard by submitting an idea into our feedback system.  Customers can view and up-vote existing posts made by other customers as well.  Posts with the most votes will be evaluated by BoviSync Staff. 
Please only submit feature requests/ideas.  If you are seeking support or have questions on how something works please create a ticket with our support team here

Road Map

The Road Map is broken up into 2 sections:   
  1. Working On It -  These are requests which are in the planned stage.  Click here to view requests we are working on.
  2. Implemented - These are requests that have been implemented by our team.  Click here to view completed requests.

Customer Voice

To navigate to our Customer Voice page, click here

The customer voice page consists of all submitted requests.  You have the ability to search through posts and filter/sort based on the category/votes, this is outlined in the blue box in the screenshot below.  Users also have the ability to up-vote existing posts, this is shown in the red outlined box in the screenshot below.  To make a comment on the post, open the individual post. 

Submitting a new Post

To submit a new post you must have a Zoho account.  It is free to create to an account.  You will be prompted to create an account during the creation of your post.

1. Navigate to the Customer Voice page (Click Here)
2. Click on "Add Topic"
3. Set Topic Type to "Idea"
4. Enter a Title for your new Idea
5. Complete the Description field.  The more details the better!
6. Set Category to "BoviSync Community"
7. Select a Sub Category that best matches your Topic

Example of a new Topic

To prevent Spam, all topics are reviewed before they are posted. 

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