Repro Status: How do they work in BoviSync?
The repro status in BoviSync will be changing frequently according to the different events that are entered for the animals. Below you can find a table that summarizes the different repro status in BoviSync and what events may trigger them.
| Stage
| Event in BoviSync triggering the change
| Repo Status
Lactation 0
| Before VWP expiration
| From birth to VWP expiration
| Youngstock
After sold/cull event
| Sold
After a freemartin event
| Sterile
After VWP expiration
| After VWP expiration or Preg check open
| Open
After breeding
| Bred
After preg check preg
| Preg
After sold/cull event
| Sold
Lactation 1+
| Milking Cows
| After a fresh event or abortion after 152 DCC until VWP expiration (Note: only preg cows can be entered as Fresh)
| Fresh
After VWP expiration or preg check open
| Open
After breeding
| Bred
After preg check preg
| Preg
After sold/cull event
| Sold
Dry Cows
| After dry off and preg check preg
| Dry
After dry off and preg check open
| Dry open
After dry off and breeding
| Dry bred
After sold/cull event
| Sold
The table shows the different status for the females at the farm. If you have males at the farm, their repro status will display "Male".
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