How does DNB work in BoviSync?
In BoviSync the order of precedence for repro status is:
- Fresh, Open, DNB, Bred, Preg, Dry, Sold
In some other herd management software the precedence for repro status is:
- Fresh, Open, Bred, Preg Dry, DNB, Sold
In many other herd management software packages, an animal that is DNB and preg misses all the lists it needs and fails to show up on preg check lists. By setting the order this way, many of the problems associated with bred and pregnant DNB animals are eliminated. In BoviSync, the DNB being before the Bred, Preg, Dry fixes all those issues, but does result in a Bred cow that is marked as DNB having a repro status of Bred. So, if you are heat breeding a cow with a repro status of Bred, it is possible she has already been DNBed. The DNB date or DNB item is the best indicator for if a cow has a DNB or not.
It is also possible to DNB a cow this lactation for the next lactation. If she isn’t a good cow, she can be preg and DNBed. When she calves, the previous lactation DNB event will be converted into a repro check for the cow, with a message about the DNB and date. This is to prompt you to make a decision to continue the DNB or leave the DNB off of the animal.
See also:
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