provides automatic imports as a service for teams and companies to use BoviSync
for dairy management reporting. Automatic import allows DataSync farms to be
updated every time the export reports are generated on the client computer.
Farms need to be imported into BoviSync with explicit permission from the farm.
A primary contact representing the farm will be designated as the admin on the
farm in BoviSync and provide permissions to team accounts requesting access. Companies or prospective DataSync farms should reference the DataSync for Dairies detailer for specific information about DataSync.
Information Required
Companies should create herd from the Farms tab of Account Management page before requesting DataSync.
Requestors need to provide the following information to BoviSync Support:
will complete the following steps to setup DataSync service:
Create a user
account for the farm representative, if they don't already have one
Create farm in
BoviSync if not already created
Designate farm
representative as sole account admin/owner
Make an
appointment with a person capable of providing remote access to herd
computer. Preferably the designated farm contact.
Setup an
automatic import with scheduled reports on the computer running the Herd
Management system and installing the BoviSync Data Client .
import information vs DC305
instructions on accessing reports and granting/revoking permissions after
import is complete and DataSync is setup to the designated farm
representative and any teams with permission to the account.
The time to setup reports to auto export should take 15-20 minutes
How to Request DHI History in BoviSync: Written Instructions: 1. Click 'Setup' and click 'Herd Settings' 2. 'Click the 'Settings' Tab 3. Enter your DHI Herd Code, Access Code, and Testing Lab. 4. Click 'Request Herd History Import' 5. You will be ...
To play this video in fullscreen; click here This video will give you a brief understanding how to complete basic setup procedures for new farms. Related Articles: DHIA Information
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Complete guide on how to setup the BoviSync app for tissue sampling. This process works for BVD, Genomic, or Other types of Tissue Sample recording. While a barcode scanner is not required, it is highly recommended to ensure the greatest accuracy ...
Background This article walks you through how to set-up the Lely Cloud Interface. Farm giving access to BoviSync The farm with the Lely software must give access to BoviSync. Open the Lely Program. On the red, left side bar, click on the Manage icon. ...