Enter Sold/Cull Events

Enter Sold/Cull Events

How to enter sold/cull events in BoviSync:

Sold Cull events can be entered from the web or the Android application. This guide will go over entering them from the web app.

1. Enter a new 'Sold/Cull' event:

Start by double clicking the Enter button from the menu. This will bring up the Event entry screen. Alternative methods to enter events can be found here.

2. Enter details for the Sold/Cull event: 

Once you are at the enter event screen you will need to enter all of the information for the Sold Cull event. First, enter the animal ID, then, enter 'Sold Cull' for Event type (if the sold/cull event type was not already entered in step 1). As soon as you do that you will see all of the sold cull event fields display.

The red arrows represent required information, the other items are optional. Click Save to finish entering the event:

Click to go to a Sold Cull event entry

Web entry will prevent animals from being sold that have active meat holds. Use the cowpage or reports (meathold and meatdt) to check meat holds.
"Sold to Finisher" Cull Type allows user to sell animals with meat holds!

Cull Types:                  
Involuntary Cull           
Selective Cull              
Sold for Beef               
Sold for Dairy              
Sold to Finisher           
Sold Reasons:    
Acute Death
Beef Calf
Bull Calf
Failure to Thrive
Feet and Legs
Finished Heifer
Finished Steer
Genomic Cull
Hard Calving
Heat Stress
High SCC
Injury or Other
Long Open
Low Production
Not reported
Repro problems
Staph Aureus
Strep ag

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